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Mastering Handwriting
Catholic Liturgical Tradition

Foster Catholic penmanship via the liturgical year!
Let your students practice handwriting
using traditional prayers and hymns
of the Church's liturgical seasons.
Advent     Christmas     Lent     Easter     Pentecost
When we hand on to the next generation our rich Catholic heritage,
the many inter-related benefits (described below) can help students retain their faith into adulthood.

Catholic students everywhere are using prayers and Bible verses for handwriting practice.


This is good--but we can do better.​

​If we want our students to
 retain their Catholic Faith into adulthood
we must not only teach them the Faith, but also immerse them in the life of the Church—so they can  experience the customs and traditions
of each liturgical season, year-round.

  • Living the liturgical seasons, a student’s experiences are naturally linked together; this makes them more meaningful and lasting.


  • The structure and delineation of the Church year gives students an ordered framework they can build upon as they learn the Faith and grow spiritually.


  • The joy and enchantment of our Faith  traditions will captivate them and leave a comforting balm on both soul and psyche—this will serve them well as they go through life.


  • By practicing Catholic traditions as the norm and throughout the year, Handing It On provides students with constancy and stability.  This also gives them security in God’s love, and they look forward to each season's activities.

EXPERIENCE the joy and beauty of our Catholic heritage

This is why the Church gives us...
Liturgical Seasons
Monthly Devotions
Feast Days of Saints & Angels
and so much more!

EXPERIENCES that are simple, meaningful, and lasting

As they enjoy these traditions, students will also reap the many educational benefits of handwriting (with music) and Latin (or you can choose English).

Learn more about these benefits below!

Anchor 1

Students should learn and experience

our Catholic heritage.

Here's why...

Students should

learn and practice


Here's why...

Students should become familiar with Latin.

Here's why...

Also available in English

Handing It On Provides:

Handwriting Worksheets           




Music for the Hymns      





Ways to Celebrate the Season         




Traditional prayers and hymns

of each liturgical season.

Links on the web site!  While students are writing the hymn text, you can play the hymn music, letting them enter into the season in concrete and lasting ways.

A special section of traditional

 activities for each season.

Why I Created this Program

Using a classical curriculum to homeschool our two boys from pre-school on up, I quickly learned that penmanship and Latin are two of the finest tools of learning.  Taking both subjects seriously as part of our curriculum, I had the boys writing prayers and Bible verses (in English) for daily penmanship, and learning Latin from a separate program.  Then I learned there is a Marian hymn for each liturgical season--how beautiful!  With each new liturgical season, I made handwriting sheets of the new Marian hymn, found the music so we could sing it, and translated the text so we could learn the meaning.  Combining these three--penmanship, Latin, and the Church's liturgical tradition (in this case, the Marian hymn)--was amazing!  I added other seasonal texts to their penmanship and we were living each season more fully.  The boys enjoyed learning the prayers and hymns of each season, and the new Latin element was helpful to their regular Latin program.  For a good ten years the boys were writing the prayers and hymns of each liturgical season, year-round.  And I consider this to be one of the best aspects of their education. 


Penmanship, Latin, and Catholic tradition are a still and solid foundation upon which more learning is built.  In the modern world of distraction, shallowness, and constant novelty, we are blessed to have penmanship, Latin, and Catholic tradition because they provide focus, depth, and stability.   And nothing grounds a child in the Faith more, than learning and living our Faith traditions, in all their variety and joy.  The traditions that have survived many centuries and have been handed on to us, are the successful ones--the ones that enchant and enthrall while gradually fostering a love for Christ and His Church.


The Marian hymns hold a special place in my heart because they were the inspiration for combining these "super-elements" of learning into the daily ten-minute handwriting session.  Those daily ten minutes are an excellent investment in the formation of our students, and I am pleased to make this program available to you so your students can receive this rich formation.

May the Lord bless you, your students, and your schooling!


With this program, your students will soak up our rich Catholic heritage.

  During each season, they will be experiencing age-old traditions that have been handed on for many generations.  They will be praying along with the Church worldwide

and becoming familiar with Latin (or you can choose English)--all while they

work to master their handwriting skills.


This is a powerful learning tool that will enrich their minds and cultivate their souls!

Catholic Tradition...Handing It On!

The English word tradition takes its root from the Latin word tradere, “to hand on.”

Anchor 2


Click the buttons below to see the List of Prayers & Hymns and Sample Pages.

Lent & Easter


Save 20% on Lent & Easter packets!

coupon code: LentEaster

Time After Epiphany
Cana 2.jpg
List of Prayers & Hymns--Print
List of Prayers & Hymns--Cursive

not yet available

A Few Points of Interest

Additional Content Available

Handing It On is based on traditional prayers and hymns of the liturgical year.  In addition to handwriting packets for the liturgical seasons, we have other packets not bound to a particular season and thus stand alone.  These are currently available as follows:

 Ordinary of the Mass (cursive Latin)

 Prayers of the Rosary (print English, print Latin, cursive English, cursive Latin)


New Materials 

We will be completing all liturgical seasons and the Mass packet mentioned above in both print and cursive, English and Latin.  We also have more packets planned, such as Saints for Boys and Saints for Girls, Responses for Altar Servers, and Volume II of certain seasons.  Join our Subscriber List to receive updates when new products or discounts are available. 



Worksheets are available as pdf files (digital download).  Hard-copy workbooks are not yet available.



  • Worksheets in manuscript (print) are wide ruled with a print font similar to Zaner-Bloser Simplified.

  • Worksheets in cursive are medium ruled with a cursive font similar to Zaner-Bloser.

  • Wherever possible, hymns are linked to audio files so students (and you) can learn to sing them!

“So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter.” 

2 Thess. 2:15

Hand on the Catholic Faith to your students while giving

them the finest tools of learning.  Your gift will

enrich their minds and cultivate their souls!

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A handwriting program of Catholic tradition

©2018 Handing It On.  All rights reserved.

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